Matt y jerry los nuevos tom y jerry de esta epoca
Matt y jerry los nuevos tom y jerry de esta epoca
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Ete sech
Not really this animation is the best and it deserves to be the winner of madness day
My friend is good
This is almost and by far the best episode. Really The music, And that Auditor is facing Hank and Sanford It is kind of disturbing and that Nevada is in his hands. Nevada has already turned into chaos due to the changes in reality and thinking that this started because Hank had hit someone with a boombox, The music gives you that vibe that is the end for our heroes O Anti heroes But then comes Madness combat 11 Expurgacion But the same if you saw it When the end was not even released you were left with the desire to see what happened
Although Madness combat and incidents are the main Dedmos adventure It is much higher And I think it would enter the number 2 position of my favorite krinkel animations (The first Madness combat 10) The music is very good and the plot is that we leave after we die Or is it what I want to think
If the avenger left me fascinated this is the same but 10 times better and I want someone who looked at him from the beginning in newgrounds He would have stayed with the hard thing that happened to Sanford and Deimos
I only did this account out of boredom and also because it was the end of the flash but now that I see better new grounds, it almost became my life as if I was born in 2000 to 2003
Only school
Buenos aires
Joined on 12/21/20